"title": {
"captionJ": "Aim測定",
"captionE":"Aim Training",
"descriptionE":"Measure speed and accuracy,Click on many targets displayed on the screen within 20 seconds,The accuracy increases as you approach the center of the target.",
"logo": "2020(C)TPS・FPSシューターズ",
"logoUrl": "https://tps.game-tansaku.net/"
"targetRange": { "minX": 300, "minY": 100, "width": 600, "height": 400 },
"result": {
"captionE": "TEST FINISHED",
"captionJ": "計測完了",
"descriptionE": "The accuracy of Aim is calculated from the rate of shooting at a place near the center.,The speed is calculated by the average time to shoot the target.",
"descriptionJ": "Aimの正確さは真ん中に近い場所を撃った率から算出。,速度は1つの的を撃つのにかけた平均時間で算出しています。",
"subResults": [" SSS"," SS", " S", " S-", " AA", " A", " A-", " B+", " B", " B-", " C+", " C", " C-", " D+", " D", " D-", " E+", " E", " E-", "\(^o^)/"],
"results": [" SSS Aimゴッド"," SS 人力オートAim", " S 世界クラス", " S- 日本代表クラス", " AA ゴリラエイム", " A トッププレイヤー", " A- 腕利きエイマー", " B+ ゴールデンルーキー", " B 趣味はFPS", " B- 初心者卒業", " C+ 一般レベル", " C 初心者プレイヤー", " C- 新兵クラス", " D+ noob", "D 芋スナ", " D- ガバエイム", " E+ 的を狙ってください", " E まじめにやろ?", " E- え?マジで?", "\(^o^)/\(^o^)/\(^o^)/"]
"tweet": {
"text": "Aim練習 : ",
"url": "https://tps.game-tansaku.net/gunshooting/aim/page5395/"